Introducing SurrenderedSolutions


A few years ago, I began a writing journey with my first book, “Released: In Search of a King.” I wanted to share a message for all adults who had lived through childhood pain. It was a moment of personal healing and confidence building. 

But once I revealed my pen for the world to see, I could not put it back down. Fiction writing morphed into an on and off again blogging habit with a desire to write more books. By the time my second book, “Confused: Principles for Living Christian in a Chaotic World” was published, I realized I had become a different person and a different writer - one with a different journey and purpose.

For the last couple of years I’ve tried to understand and make sense of what was happening. I would make plans (because if you’ve spent any time with me, you know I like to make plans) and then back away because I could not see or understand how to implement what I was thinking. I won’t bore you with the number of times this happened, the number of sheets of paper it required, or the number of conversations with my  husband.  You can probably imagine.

The new me wanted to help others find Christ and then gain insight, foster growth, and build courage for Christian living. This was  a bit bigger than my initial goal. But, often, goals change for the better.

Announcing SurrenderedSolutions

Today, I’m thrilled to announce  the relaunch of my business framework: SurrenderedSolutions. SurrenderedSolutions tells so much about what I believe God has gifted me to give to the world. SurrenderedSolutions includes:

  • SurrenderedSouls: a place to kickstart a healing plan for childhood trauma

  • SurrenderedYou: a place to build a solid foundation for  Christian living through educational and experiential avenues

  • SurrenderedSeed: a mechanism for outreach

  • SurrenderedPen: a publishing house for fiction and non-fiction literature

I am deeply thankful for all your support for SurrenderedPen and pray you will continue to support SurrenderedSolutions. After all, SurrenderedPen isn’t going anywhere. We are simply growing and expanding. Together, we can help the world find Christ. Together, we can continue down a path toward gaining insight, fostering growth, and building courage for Christian living.

Thank you for being part of the journey. To stay up-to-date and involved, consider signing up for our newsletter. Once a month, we deliver a dose of encouragement for Christian living straight to your inbox.

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Connecting the Dots


The Legacy of Hamartia - Part Three