Relationship > Zap Me, God: Waiting for God to Change You
Many of us wait for God to change us in one magical moment. We wait on Him to zap us into what we can be.
I may be crazy, but I have this crazy feeling some people sit back and wait for God to zap them.
We say, zap me God because then I’ll be a better person.
Zap me, God, and then I’ll stop lying, cursing, stealing, cheating, murdering, abusing.
Or zap me, God, and then I’ll be powerful, prosper, and /or popular.
If you zap me, I’ll be less selfish.
If you zap me, I’ll give more.
If you zap me, I’ll be more than I am.
We want God to zap us, because then we won't have to commit to believe he sent Jesus who was born to die to save us. We won’t need to read his guidebook for our life. We won’t have to listen when we pray. We won’t have to trust him. We won’t have to laud and applaud him as if every day he was an MVP winning a trophy or a starlet winning an award.
We want him to zap us, but we don’t want to do any work.
We don’t want to love him back and love others because of him. That’s part of the work that makes us more than we are.
I’m so sorry, and I’m sure they’ll be some who prefer to argue the truth of whether God zaps us than accept the point:
God does not zap us. He doesn’t need to.
He provided all we needed when he sent Jesus. He’s just waiting for us to recognize this.
Do you know someone who wants God to zap them? First, share this article with them. Then, start praying for them to realize this truth:
While we’re waiting to be zapped, God is waiting for us to give up the notion and simply be in relationship with him.
STOP! Take a moment join us.
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