Share Your Faith
A seed is small but has the potential for much power. A seed is the beginning of a crop. In the same way, the seed of the gospel in someone’s life can produce a life totally surrendered to God. And it starts with a seed.
Take a moment to become a SP SeedPlanter© by sending a seed card to someone you know.
21 Days of Praise
I believe the best praise is to praise God when you do not feel like it. When we praise despite our circumstances, he dwells in our praise and changes our outlook. The purpose of this guide is to spend 21 days praising God with scripture. Watch him change you because of your praise.
HeartGuard Journal
Our HeartGuard Journal app, knows as HGJ, is a reliable companion in your journey towards healing. Use the app journal to capture your thoughts and feelings, find encouraging bible verses and receive nourishing seed prayers.
Encourage Someone.
Moving into a new year, someone, somewhere might need to hear encouragement from you.
Download this prayer card
Mail it or email it to them
Sin Infographic
We tell people Christ will forgive their sins. If I were someone listening, I’d ask “what’s a sin”? This tool will take guesswork out of the question. It’s provides a nice definition and overview of sin.