There's a Hole in My Soul: How to Satisfy the Longing Within You

I want to revisit what I began a a couple of weeks ago about the hole many of us are trying to fill.

Something is missing…

Something is missing from my life.

Maybe you’ve said these words. Maybe you’ve heard someone say them. In either situation, the words sound familiar to us. The “missing” statement puts us in a constant mode of searching. Our solutions may include people, possessions, position or power. Yet, somehow, after we gain these, the longing continues. When we think we’ve found the right solution to satisfy what’s missing, we eventually discover it is not enough. So, we continue searching.


Where does the longing come from?

I believe it comes from the Lord God. I believe he created us with a sense of eternity in our hearts. Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV(New International Version) says it like this:

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end..”

But the Amplified Bible describes it more clearly by defining “eternity” as “a sense of divine purpose” and expanding on “human heart” with “a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God.”

What satisfies the longing?

The simple answer is a true(close, unique and sincere) relationship with God. The best way I can define this is with the word “bestie”. Think about the words “best friend”. Most best friend relationships consist of:

  • Spending time together

  • Trusting each other

  • Conversing together

  • Expressing a deep love for one another

  • A belief the other wants to act in your best interest

If this is how we cultivate a best friend relationship, imagine what we can accomplish in relationship with God.

However, relationship with God begins with belief in his plan.

Your Turn: What do you think is God’s plan?

STOP! Take a moment join us.

Sometimes being a Christian is challenging. Often we aren’t honest about our struggle.

Do you want growth, insight and courage to help through this journey?


What is God’s Plan: The 3 Plans Which Lead to an Ultimate Plan


First Love Lost: Ask and answer the question of how did you get here.