Good News in the Fight Against Child Sexual Abuse

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“Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.”

- John F. Kennedy, Former US President

Children are society's most valuable resources and protecting them should be high on the list of our top priorities. This means bringing awareness to the issues and showing support where and how we are able to. I know child sexual abuse is a heavy topic and every time you learn more about it, you may feel better informed, but somewhat helpless. In today's post, I thought you might want to hear some good news and see how progress is being made around the world. Be encouraged. If all you can do now is pray, then those prayers help make progress. 

Below is a very brief introduction to some articles I think you might find courage from reading. 

Hope Helps

Hope. This four letter word makes underdogs into champions and the oppressed into overcomers. Hope is what children need when abusive environments turn them into never ending fight, flight, or freeze machines. The Children’s Advocacy Center is an example of hope. Birthed from the work of the Children’s Home Society in FL, the organization provides education and services for abused children and their families. The organization's goal is for everyone to recognize our responsibility in protecting children from abuse.

Read more.

Time Extensions Mean a Lot to Survivors

Children are reluctant to tell anyone about their abuse. They may feel fearful of breaking up their family or fear someone in their family being hurt (as their abuser may have threatened would happen). Time passes and now that child is an adult who has not told anyone about their experience. Some states have set a limitation on when you can report child abuse. Louisiana realized that time was way too short. A new house bill extends the time for reporting an incident from 10 years to 35 years. This opens the justice door for many survivors who may need that time to tell their story. Being able to pursue justice may also be a needed part of someone's healing journey. 

Read more.

Over in India

Child abuse is not only a local problem; it's a global problem. An example of this comes from India where the Universal Team for Social Action and Help fights to protect children. Led by Child Rights Activist, Miquel Queah, the organization teaches children how to protect themselves while also providing legal, psychological, and social support. 

While reading this article, I learned a new term, child sexual abuse material (CSAM). This is any material which visually represents children in inappropriate activities. Unfortunately, India, with a rate of 11.7%, is at the top of this list of those engaged in CSAM. The work of Mr. Queah and his team will go a long way to promote justice, provide education, and hopefully bring light after dusk.

Read more about decoding the language.

Read more about light after dusk.

The Shoes

Registered Nurse Duana Juneau wanted to send a message. Not only is this a global problem, but, in addition, it has no preferences for race, sex, age, economic status, or education. Sexual abuse is universal. Nurse Juneau works in the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program at the Francis Cabrini Hospital in Alexandria. Last year, the program saw over 100 cases and the message is that this can happen to anybody. Nurse Juneau created a photographic exhibit of people's shoes representing people in their everyday lives. It may not sound exciting but these everyday shoes are the shoes of assault and abuse victims, demonstrating it can be anyone. For a survivor, being heard in what seems like a small way can be meaningful. Take a look at her exhibit, read the article, then remember to pray about the shoes.

Read more about the exhibit and the shoes.

Curious About Your Opinion

During the last few days of April 2021, I've been praying in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness month. On some days I have prayed about the abuser. This is not easy for me. It is out of obedience to the Lord. My prayer has been focused on a changed mindset, the strength, and willingness to get the help they need. Many abusers were abused themselves. This is not an excuse but an explanation. It does not diminish or eliminate the responsibility for people to become hurt people who DO NOT hurt others. 

The country of Scotland is looking into the role childhood trauma plays in crime as a way of reform. They are considering a "Smart Justice" approach, which while incarcerating people, includes a treatment for what causes them to commit the crime. For example, a history of child abuse. 

This brings me to you and your opinion. Should a person's past abuse story be considered when evaluating why they commit crime? Take my anonymous survey.


These articles shed light and hope on a difficult topic. I pray you walk away encouraged. Please join me tonight on my FB page for one final prayer as we wrap up observance National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).


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It Can Happen to Anyone – Protecting Your Child