All in one place.

Love Like Jesus
Learning how to represent Jesus and love others is difficult when someone’s grievance with you is based on your ethnicity. They hate you not because they know you but because of your skin color.
Build on your desire to love like Jesus despite this foolishness by working on your foundations. Join me in my next workshop series, Foundations for Love. Learn more and register in this post.

Christian Friends Become Enemies
Loving someone you have tension with can be extremely hard to do, particularly if you feel justified and offended. While I do not know the answer to your specific situation, I encourage you to put your situation to serious prayer. Ask God to show you your shortcomings and ask him to guide any reconciliation.

Good News in the Fight Against Child Sexual Abuse
Children are society's most valuable resources and protecting them should be high on the list of our top priorities. This means bringing awareness to the issues and showing support where and how we are able to. I know child sexual abuse is a heavy topic and every time you learn more about it, you may feel better informed, but somewhat helpless. In today's post, I thought you might want to hear some good news and see how progress is being made around the world. Be encouraged. If all you can do now is pray, then those prayers help make progress.

4 Keys to Sharing Your Story of Sexual Abuse
The decision to share your story of sexual abuse for the first time begins with just that – a decision. And who makes the decision? You. You decide.
Telling your story for the first time is a brave and courageous act. If you decide to share, use these four key questions as part of your sharing process, and remember – sharing your story is the first step in the healing process.

Introducing the Companion Workbook to Released: In Search of a King
Introducing the companion workbook for Released: In Search of a King!
Several of you have asked and it’s almost here. Released: In Search of a King has a companion workbook to help you and others work through healing. To celebrate its upcoming release, enjoy a free chapter from the workbook below. To be notified when the workbook is ready and be among the first to get a discount on Released + its companion workbook, go here: http://eepurl.com/gZFC6v.
Enjoy Chapter 8: Derailment from the companion workbook.

An Excerpt from Released: In Search of a King
On the blog today, I'm offering you a free chapter from my book, Released: In Search of a King. After reading the sneak peek, you might be asking some questions that can only be answered by reading the entire novel.
As we recognize this month as SAAM and Child Abuse Prevention, think about buying a copy for a friend as a resource for their healing journey.

Why Did God Allow This to Happen To Me?
Why did God allow this to happen to me?
Before healing can truly begin, this question has to be addressed. Failing to do so leads to a healing journey littered by this lingering thought.
In this article, you won’t find a specific answer to your question. I cannot explain why some children are molested and others are not, but I can give you some thoughts to consider. As you begin your healing journey, I pray these will be a starting point for you.

Shake the Stigma; Stop the Shame
Stigma and shame are two reasons we don’t often hear a lot of talk about child sexual abuse. But it’s time to shake the stigma and stop the shame.
How do we get started? It starts small. Learn how you can be part of the solution.

MeToo is Not Over and Childhood Sexual Abuse is Not Dead
As the #MeToo movement gained traction, the public began to confront and talk about sexual harassment and violation in ways it never had before. It also opened the door for survivors of childhood sexual abuse to tell their stories. Then COVID came. Racial unrest broke out. Political gang wars grew. And MeToo seemed to be silenced by the next BIG story.
But it’s important we keep these conversations going.
Why did God allow this to happen to me?
The question important to most adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, Christian or otherwise. It may be asked following the abuse or it may take years to surface.
The question makes us uncomfortable because it feels like we are challenging God. Emotional feelings toward God including anger, disappointment, or perhaps doubt. The hardest part isn’t the question itself, but the answer because it will never be specific enough.