All in one place.
Am I Broken? 3 Questions to Identify the Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse
If someone is ready to share their story of childhood sexual abuse with others, it can be the key to initiating healing.
One of the first steps is to answer the question, “am I broken?” In other words, did the sexual abuse have an impact on my life to the point where I’m not completely whole?
We explore that topic in this post.
Kickstart Your Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse
“Broken” is one way to summarizes all of the impacts that can result from childhood sexual abuse. Broken isn’t a pretty word, nor does it paint a pretty picture, but it’s a true, simple descriptor for what happens when a child is abused.
The truth is my childhood sexual abuse broke me. The breaking was easy, but the healing is hard. Is it time to take the hard step and kickstart your healing? Are you ready to learn more so you can support either yourself or someone you know as they begin their healing from childhood sexual abuse?
Why Did God Allow This to Happen To Me?
Why did God allow this to happen to me?
Before healing can truly begin, this question has to be addressed. Failing to do so leads to a healing journey littered by this lingering thought.
In this article, you won’t find a specific answer to your question. I cannot explain why some children are molested and others are not, but I can give you some thoughts to consider. As you begin your healing journey, I pray these will be a starting point for you.
Shake the Stigma; Stop the Shame
Stigma and shame are two reasons we don’t often hear a lot of talk about child sexual abuse. But it’s time to shake the stigma and stop the shame.
How do we get started? It starts small. Learn how you can be part of the solution.
MeToo is Not Over and Childhood Sexual Abuse is Not Dead
As the #MeToo movement gained traction, the public began to confront and talk about sexual harassment and violation in ways it never had before. It also opened the door for survivors of childhood sexual abuse to tell their stories. Then COVID came. Racial unrest broke out. Political gang wars grew. And MeToo seemed to be silenced by the next BIG story.
But it’s important we keep these conversations going.
The Beauty of the Faith
Research groups like Pew and Barna show Christianity is declining among younger generations. Have you ever worried that Christianity is declining? I’ll admit that I have. But when I do, I remember the beauty of the faith.
If you have faced similar concern, I hope this article encourages you.
Connecting the Dots
If you follow me, you may have wondered what I have been doing. Perhaps you thought I'd lost my mind. Nope. I've been heading somewhere. And that somewhere is here in the form of my new course Foundations 4 Love: Living Christian in a Chaotic World.
Introducing SurrenderedSolutions
Today, I’m thrilled to announce the relaunch of my business framework: SurrenderedSolutions. SurrenderedSolutions tells so much about what I believe God has gifted me to give to the world.
SurrenderedPen isn’t going anywhere, we are simply growing and expanding. Together, we can help the world find Christ. Together, we can continue down a path toward gaining insight, fostering growth, and building courage for Christian living.
The Legacy of Hamartia - Part Three
We are created in God’s image. We possess his rational, moral, social, artistic, and spiritual characteristics. We reflect God in our design. We have so much potential in us. Yet, some of us love more of what is not in him than we do what is in him.
Is it a matter of wanting something you cannot have? Or is it something else? I think it is something else, which we know as sin. As we start working through relational healing in 2021, we must realize relational healing requires an understanding of sin and how it works.
This 3-part allegorical story provides the insight we need to understand how sin was born.
The Legacy of Hamartia - Part Two
We are created in God’s image. We possess his rational, moral, social, artistic, and spiritual characteristics. We reflect God in our design. We have so much potential in us. Yet, some of us love more of what is not in him than we do what is in him.
Is it a matter of wanting something you cannot have? Or is it something else? I think it is something else, which we know as sin. As we start working through relational healing in 2021, we must realize relational healing requires an understanding of sin and how it works.
This 3-part allegorical story provides the insight we need to understand how sin was born.
The Legacy of Hamartia - Part One
We are created in God’s image. We possess his rational, moral, social, artistic, and spiritual characteristics. We reflect God in our design. We have so much potential in us. Yet, some of us love more of what is not in him than we do what is in him.
Is it a matter of wanting something you cannot have? Or is it something else? I think it is something else, which we know as sin. As we start working through relational healing in 2021, we must realize relational healing requires an understanding of sin and how it works.
This 3-part allegorical story provides the insight we need to understand how sin was born.
What’s Wrong With the World?
Have you found yourself asking, what the heck is wrong with the world this year? I did. And when the realization dawned on me that 2020 did not produce anything new, it caught me a bit off guard.
On the blog, I’m sharing what I uncovered as I sat with that question this year.
Are we FARR from healing?
Forgiveness is not as simple as the words, “I’m sorry.” Healing begins with forgiveness but requires accountability, responsibility, and repentance too.
An Apology to Those We Have Hurt
I have seen how we as Christians sometimes hurt people. On occasion, we do more harm than good.
Our actions, blinded by right, cause us to hurt people. Our pride, blinded by self-preservation, causes us to refuse to apologize.
With a heart of love surrounded by stone we created a generation of people who cringe at the name of Jesus. Instead of thinking about the sacrifice he made, they think about the actions done to them in his name by others. They think about the lies they were told and attached to his name.
It’s time to apologize to anyone who has been hurt in this way.
Healing begins with…
Healing starts with forgiveness. But I’m having trouble with forgiveness in the middle of racism. How about you? Do you have trouble forgiving people with racist attitudes?
Leadership - Acts 13:1-12
Leadership needs not only wise counsel but counsel free from deceit. In this article we take a look at what happens to an advisor whose counsel if fraudulent.
Racist Christian?
Jesus commanded his disciples to love one another. This is how they would prove to the world they were his students.
Are we exempt from this command? Do we have a right to disobey it? Was is only meant for the people who were within hearing distance?
Thoughts of a Black Christian in a Tumultuous Time
This week has been tumultuous. And I sense it has been a pivotal week in so many lives. The week began with riots and the scripture about wars and rumors of wars repeatedly flashed in my mind. I've heard statements like “you are all Americans, aren't you supposed to be better than this”, “we can't wait until our own house is on fire; we must act now”, and “it's insensitive to diminish black lives matter by saying all lives matter”. It has been a verbal debate filled week, a heart recognition week, and a “dig in deeper, hold on tighter to my beliefs” week.
Relationship > Zap Me, God: Waiting for God to Change You
Many of us wait for God to change us in one magical moment. We wait on Him to zap us into what we can be. Does God do that? Does He zap us like a magician waving a magic wand?
Spiritual Life > Diagnosis is Spiritual Depletion: An Answer to What's Going On in the World Today
Some days I find myself looking at title for some media story and asking “what is going on?” SurrenderedPen provides insight to shed light on this timeless question.
Why did God allow this to happen to me?
The question important to most adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, Christian or otherwise. It may be asked following the abuse or it may take years to surface.
The question makes us uncomfortable because it feels like we are challenging God. Emotional feelings toward God including anger, disappointment, or perhaps doubt. The hardest part isn’t the question itself, but the answer because it will never be specific enough.